Club of Huber Heights
Meeting Minutes
22, 2010 – Frickers
Meeting called to order
1230 pm at Fricker’s by President Steve Siegel
Members present: Steve
Siegel, Liz Bayes, Ted Hoke, Ray Gaier, Bill Fox, Mark Bruns, Bob Thiel,
Brian Wendling, and Chris Muth.
Committee Reports:
Treasurer Report:
to waive reading of the minutes by Hoke. Gaier 2nd.
Motion passed.
Old Business:
- Mark Bruns is going
to contact Jay Minton this week to make sure that Wayne is on board
with our fundraising idea. He will report on 4/29/2010.
- The fishing derby
is going to be headed by Liz Bayes. Bruns will have Lynne Zimmerman
from Metro Parks contact Liz.
- Please reserve May
6th for the Respect for Law Week dinner. The dinner
will be on Thursday May 6th. Father Reis center is a BYOB event starting
at 6:30. Dinner at 7:00 PM concluding at 9: 00 PM. A special guest speaker
is being planned.
- We are still waiting
on the Grant Request from Make a Wish Foundation.
- Hoke reported no
new info on the Community Nights fundraiser at Bob Evans.
- Fox reported that
he will follow up on checking on the status of Pack 391 not rechartering.
- Bayes, Wendling
and Fox are cleaning our Adopt-a-Park at Belle Plain on Thursday April
- Bayes reported that
Vista Company can print our business cards for us at a good rate less
than $100.00. Fox motioned to order them.2nd
Thiel. Motion passed.
New Business
- Theil brought a
request from Wayne Music Club to purchase an ad in the 2010 Wayne Football
Program. Motion made by Gaier to purchase a
¼ page add (color) for $100.00. 2nd by Wendling.
Motion passed.
- Wendling discussed
the club periodically prepare and serve a meal to the families at the
Ronald McDonald House. He will check with them and report back their
- Bruns discussed
the club man a booth at the July 3rd Fireworks celebration
at Cloud Park. The city is looking for Non-profit organizations to sell
concessions. No action taken.
- Bruns discussed
the club selling concessions at the Wayne Township Bicentennial Celebration
on September 25 and 26th. Non-Profits only. No action taken.
- Next week’s meeting
will be at Frickers Restaurant in the back room.
1:12 pm