Club of Huber Heights
Meeting Minutes
29, 2010 – Frickers
Meeting called to order
1259 pm at Fricker’s by President Steve Siegel
Members present: Steve
Siegel, Liz Bayes, Ted Hoke, Ray Gaier, Bill Fox, Mark Bruns, Brian
Wendling, and Leo Ferryman.
Committee Reports:
to waive reading of the minutes by Hoke. Gaier 2nd.
Motion passed.
Old Business:
- Mark Bruns contacted
Jay Minton last week and said Wayne was on board, but felt that it would
be almost impossible to get Tressel. He suggested that we start small
and volunteered to come to a meeting and speak with us. Will attempt
to schedule around May 20th
- The fishing derby
is going to be headed by Liz Bayes will contact Lynne Zimmerman from
Metro Parks next week and will report back. A potential date is June
- Please reserve May
6th for the Respect for Law Week dinner. The dinner
will be on Thursday May 6th. Father Reis center is a BYOB event starting
at 6:30. Dinner at 7:00 PM concluding at 9: 00 PM. A special guest speaker
is being planned. Please RSVP Bruns.
- We cleaned Belle
Plain Park, Thank You to all who attended.
- Hoke reported progress
on the Bob Evans Community Nights fundraiser. He will give us the dates
next meeting.
- Fox reported that
Pack 391 is not folding after all.
- Bayes reported that
we can prepare lunch or dinner for the Ronald McDonald House on May
30th. Bayes will now price a lunch, soups and salad possibly.
Maybe a meat tray. Good PR. We prepare and deliver the lunch.
- Bayes researched
water prices for the July 3rd Fireworks concession. 32 bottles
of water cost $4.00. After much discussion, we will look into manning
a booth.
- President Siegel
presented a grant request from the Police Explorers; they are requesting
$ 1000 for a trip to their National Conference in July in Atlanta.
Motion to grant the request by Hoke 2nd Bayes.
Motion passed.
- No Meeting May 6th,
We will be attending the Respect for Law Dinner at St Peters that evening.
- We will return to
Frickers on May 13 at noon in the back room.