Club of Huber Heights
Meeting Minutes
15, 2010 – Frickers
Meeting called to order
1245 pm at Fricker’s by President Steve Siegel
Members present: Steve
Siegel, Liz Bayes, Ted Hoke, Ray Gaier, Bill Fox, and Terry Lawson.
Committee Reports:
Treasurer Report:
Ted Hoke motioned to accept
previous weeks meeting minutes. Ray Gaier 2nd the motion.
The membership voted to pass this motion.
Old Business:
- President Siegel
is going to contact Jay Minton this week to make sure that Wayne is
on board with our fundraising idea. He will report on 4/22/2010.
- The fishing derby
discussion is tabled until Bruns returns with further details.
- Please remind everyone
that Bruns has reserved the Father Ries Center for the Respect for Law
Week dinner. The dinner will be on Thursday May 6th. Father Reis
center is a BYOB event starting at 6:30 Dinner at 7:00 PM concluding
at 9: 00 PM. A special guest speaker is being planned. Discussion centered
on inviting city council and the mayor, and the Optimist State officers.
- Steve Morris delivered
a Grant Request from Cindy Wilson representing the Special Wish Foundation.
President Siegel opened the request and read the contents of to the
membership present. The Grant Request form has items were information
was requested, but not addressed by the submitting party. Siegel indicated
that he would contact the “Make a Wish Foundation” to get further
New Business
- Hoke will update
us on the fundraiser called Community Nights with our
local Bob Evans restaurants when he has further details.
- Several members
expressed disappointment in not seeing the Optimist Club listed as a
sponsor on the Huber Heights Little League’s web site.
- President Siegel
stated that he is in the process of composing letters to previous recipients
of Optimist donations informing them of the Grant Request and the process
required to receive further funding. He also indicated that he will
have a draft letter by next week 4/22/2010.
- Several members
questioned the whereabouts of the Bronze Plaque honoring Bill Fearing
and the Fearing Baseball Fields between Kitty Hawk and Menlo Park Elementary
schools. A primary concern is who is safeguarding this plaque during
the construction of the new baseball fields.
- Terry Lawson presented
a picture of a plaque honoring Bill Fearing and the baseball fields.
Fox stated that there is an oval plaque in addition to the plaque that
Terry located. Fox further stated that the oval plaque identified the
Optimist International and the Optimist Club of Huber Heights as the
award givers honoring Mr. Fearing.
- Several members
expressed concerns about Cub Scout pack 393 disbanding.
- Next weeks meeting
will be at Frickers Restaurant in the back room.
1:12 pm