Optimist Club of Huber Heights
Meeting Minutes
February 18, 2010 – C’s Pizza
Meeting called to order 1230 pm. at C’s Pizza by Vice President Jeff Newsome
Members present:
Leo Ferryman, Bill Fox, Terry Lawson, Steve Morris, Chris Muth, Jeff Newsome, Steve Siegel, Bob Theil
Brian Wendling, Liz Bayes
Committee Reports:
Old Business:
Siegel read the minutes from the previous weeks meeting. Bill Fox moved to accept the minutes with Bob Theil seconding the motion. The motion passed.
Newsome discussed the Centerville-Wayne breakfast/lunch/dinner fundraising. President Siegel reported that he spoke with Denise at Citizens National Bank of South West Ohio and she stated that her employer is reworking her schedule to give her a Tuesday off in March so that Jeff and I can be her guests at a Centerville Noon Optimist meeting to discuss our fundraising idea.
Chris Muth is waiting on a return phone call from the City of Huber Heights IT people about linking our website to the cities. He was unable to contact them and left a message.
New Business:
Leo will check with 5/3 bank on the status of checking account signatures
Newsome brought up marketing of the Optimist to the community. There were many ideas discussed and further discussion will be forthcoming in the next weeks. Jeff will get further details about selling Mother’s Day flowers.
President Siegel stated that he would send a letter and Grant request to HLL (Huber Hts Little League).
Jeff received a $100 check from Leo to purchase a tarp to cover the club trailer.
The Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction Kathy Demers will present a slide show presentation to our membership on February 25; 2010.She will provide answers and details about the childhood literacy program.
We conducted the third reading on Brian Wendling. He was voted in as a Member.
Fist reading for Liz Bayes.
Brian Wendling will get details about a bowling fundraiser.
Respect for law – check with Mark
Adjournment 1:15 pm