Club of Huber Heights
Meeting Minutes
11, 2010 – C’s Pizza
Meeting called to order
1225 pm. at C’s Pizza by President
Steve Siegel
Members present: Ted
Hoke, Liz Mayes, Jeff Newsome, Steve Siegel, Brian Wendling,
Committee Reports:
Waived reading of minutes,
Motion by Hoke, 2nd Newsome
- Third reading from
Liz Bayes on membership. Motion to accept Liz was unanimous.
- Chris Muth is still
waiting on an answer from the city on linking us to the city website.
- Siegel sent a Grant
request along with the grant letter to HHLY.
- Siegel stated the
he send a confirmation email to Michael Bevis regarding the Centerville
Wayne fundraising idea.
New Business:
- Fishing derby was
discussed but was tabled.
- Siegel will contact
Lynn at MetroParks regarding the fishing derby.
- Ted volunteered
to present the Optimist Club to city council members.
- Siegel said that
he would like to see brochures and business cards for members.
- Brian said that
his wife is pregnant & he will now require assistance with the fishing
- Jeff said that he
would like to see the club get its own place with a telephone.
- Jeff will check
on getting pocket nametags for everyone.
Adjournment 1:15