Club of Huber Heights
Meeting Minutes
20, 2010 – Frickers
Meeting called to order
1240 pm at Fricker’s by President Steve Siegel
Members present: Bill
Fox, Ray Gaier, Ted Hoke, Chris Muth and Steve Siegel.
Committee Reports:
Treasurer Report:
Previous weeks minutes were
tabled until next week.
Old Business:
- Mark Bruns has asked
Jay Minton to address the membership. We anticipate Mr. Minton speaking
on 5/27/2010.
- The fishing derby
is canceled.
- Liz has confirmed
providing lunch to the Ronald McDonald house quests on May 30, 2010.
- Siegel reported
that Tom from the Klosterman Baking Company is donating the croissants
for the sandwiches for the Ronald McDonald house event.
- Ted presented a
flyer for the Bob Evans Community Night on May 24, 2010.
- Cindy from a Special
Wish Foundation turned in her 510C3 letter. Ted motioned that we sponsor
them at the $250.00 dollar level. Ray 2nd the motion. The
membership voted in favor of sponsoring the Special Wish Foundation
for $250.00.
New Business
- Several members
expressed disappointment in not seeing the Optimist Club listed as a
sponsor on the Huber Heights Little League’s web site. Ted informed
us that we did sponsor HHLL last year.
- In light of the
recent newspaper publications citing the IRS confiscating charitable
organizations 501C3 and 501C4 license, several members asked if our
club has filed a 990ez for 2009.
- A request was received
from Doug Fritz on behalf of the Ohio JOOI District seeking $150.00
to help send 12 JOOI members to the JOOI Convention in Denver, July
5-7th, 2010. Ted motioned to approve $ 150.00 for the JOOI
and Ray 2nd the motion. All voted in favor of providing funding
for this event.
- A request was received
from the Riverdale Optimist offering Dayton Dragons Baseball tickets
at their cost of 15.00. Five dollars of this includes a youth ticket
or special needs ticket. There are 225 tickets available and 75 tickets
for the children. Money must be turned in by May 29, 2010 and the game
date is Friday, June 18 at 7pm. This offer was tabled until next week.
- Next weeks meeting
will be at Frickers Restaurant in the back room.
1:10 pm