Club of Huber Heights
Meeting Minutes
May 27, 2010
– Frickers
Meeting called to order
1233 pm at Fricker’s by Vice President
Jeff Newsome
Members present: Steve
Siegel, Ted Hoke, Ray Gaier, Bill Fox, Mark Bruns, Jeff Newsome, and
Leo Ferryman.
Committee Reports:
Treasurer Report:
to waive reading of the minutes by Hoke. Gaier 2nd.
Motion passed.
Old Business:
- Bruns contacted
Jay Minton and he will attend our meeting on June 10th as
our guest and share his thoughts on the fundraiser involving Centerville
- Ferryman received
notification from Optimist International saying that the clubs are a
501(c) (4) instead of a (c) (3). Basically people who purchase or donate
money to us cannot deduct it from their taxes.
- Much discussion
again on the budgeting of monies for groups who may apply for a grant.
No action taken.
- Hoke reported a
profit of $ 27.00 on the Bob Evans Community Nights fundraiser. A couple
of nights in July are in the planning phase..
- President Siegel
reported that the lunch for the Ronald McDonald House on May 30
is still on. Bayes and Wendling will follow up.
- Riverdale Optimist
Club request for us to purchase Dragons tickets was voted down. Motion
was made by Hoke to pass, because of the lack of time to make the deadline
of May 30th.2nd fox.
Motion passed.
- Next Meeting ar
Frickers 1200 lunch business meeting at 1230.
Meeting Adjourned at 1:38 pm