Via-netNetUpOptimist Club of Huber HeightsXwbXl|Sl|Sl|Sl|Sl|Sl|Sl|Sl|Sl|Sl|Sl|Sl|Sl|Sl|Sl|SOptimist Club of Huber Heights JFIF``C 2!=,.$2I@LKG@FEPZsbPUmVEFdemw{N`}s~|C;!!;|SFS||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||j"<!1AQ"a#2Rq$3BrCDSbs$!1QaARq ?c,x 1l:eOa泚_/-v;hwJ9|%#[ 4xX%{#},m:<ӽ`d'BӚ{[dU0=?b-9w,djg\ynd]Ez p te$([=^}|/y7Y :4Zړ|o :H5rr욨v 9@;Ts6\t>Jf v[y.2iwC9WAjMK,$?FW4P՘>L7nhe C]w70w,A/*-V+李bdz>b 6LxwaV9f;ժ-4bc͆p$㯓ɞL^l<4$Y][]F/2^cq8|M-tDxegV|țovPiūp/M=Δ)y{~ 6 -;8;Gjy~gkdq:e|E(a#ݥS@uUpngxL H%HHh{< l;Rb>#KF/+xݰg-Nsdj$p]]0H~(YY)$!qsQIL絯 /914AA͆զJდ~Gxtif9i}nJ.2<zmȮ;k,,7̀~h]W挺w/9l:4ӪFPhm9.j9~6T!yoO83-e8knOtIneogucAK6zt@t2mCgc@߬E YzznSLs\amHB ⤎&F+T6|,FSdrLjEj c1G|."hv m` *QPkrIgOHOj,- & v<3\U8.9B K\G_5y{c]ҭi\,8\!l q.fO⤥hEñּ34k6ADhF%oԛ&\26@pNڱ\Ml3dr@ɸȸ٨ׇPۗxAD,ꮁ=] fyii惙m)4! U@RX-SZGwWQ'pĒ7VŁ\ ox{rFoR5MPi.`ku r.R@CUe.!@B.)zOCHHOptimist Club of Huber HeightsXwbX#WR ` w@G@^k banner.jpg#WR J w@@`@]kId#WR js@S@Sk wayne.jpgu4 222#WR ns`qK @@Q@S@k BlueLogo.jpgu4 222#WR ȁ@n@<kBOBIK_low-res.jpg#WR U@w@Lk#$r)T@t@"`r)?? Trebuchet MS Club V. President J. Newsomeku4 2 A22:~mailto:jnewsome5@woh.rr.com$j)S@w@ \|j)?? Trebuchet MS Club Secretary M. Brunsku4 2 A22:~mailto:MBruns@hhoh.org$d)S@X{@~d)?? Trebuchet MS Club Treasurer L. Ferrymanku4 2 A22:~mailto:leoferryma@aol.com$)V@8p@|$)?? Trebuchet MS Club President S. Siegelku4 2 A22:~mailto:stevesiegel@hotmail.com$l)T@(@_l)?? Trebuchet MS Club P. R. C. Muthku4 2 A22:~mailto:muth.chris@gmail.com =7Q@i@(ek contact.jpg#$Pl@_@y&?? Trebuchet MS Grant Request Formku4 :~email@coffeecup.com,$ l@pb@?? Trebuchet MS  Our Picturesku4 #$l@Z@e2{?? Trebuchet MS Optimist Internationalku4 :~email@coffeecup.com p@}@  k#WR Yr@D@NKkhuberlogo4.jpg#$#r@ht@#?? Trebuchet MS qqWe are the Optimist Club of Huber Heights, Ohio. We are dedicated to providing services to enhance the lives of the youth in our community through sponsorship and charity work. We are a civic minded group that focuses on improving our community by sponsoring youth events that may otherwise not be possible. If you are interested in joining our club please feel free tok#$,@{@J2?? Trebuchet MS \\email any of the officers listed to the left. Our meetings are held every Thursday at noon at C's Pizza, 5186 Brandt Pike, Huber Heights. Anyone is welcome to attend a meeting to further understand our mission and processes. If you are a charitable organization that would like to request our help, please fill out a copy of the Grant Request Form!k
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